Allwright, D. & Hanks, J. (2009). The developing language learner: An introduction to Exploratory Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Dikilitaş, K., & Hanks, J. (Eds.). (2018). Developing Language Teachers with Exploratory Practice: Innovations and explorations in language education. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gieve, S., & Miller, I. K. (Eds.). (2006). Understanding the language classroom. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hanks, J. (2017). Exploratory Practice in Language Teaching: Puzzling about principles and practices. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Slimani-Rolls, A. & Kiely, R. (Eds.). (2018). Exploratory Practice for continuing professional development: An innovative approach for language teachers. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Tajino, A., Stewart, T., & Dalsky, D. (Eds.). (2016). Team teaching and team learning in the language classroom: Collaboration for innovation in ELT. Abingdon: Routledge.
Yoshida, T., Imai, H., Nakata, Y., Tajino, A., Takeuchi, O., & Tamai, K. (Eds.). (2009). Researching language teaching and learning: An integration of practice and theory. Bern: Peter Lang.
Journal Articles:
*Allwright, D. (2003). Exploratory Practice: Rethinking practitioner research in language teaching. Language Teaching Research 7(2), 113–141.
Allwright, D. (2005a). Developing principles for practitioner research: The case of Exploratory Practice. Modern Language Journal 89(3), 353–366.
Allwright, D. (2005b). From teaching points to learning opportunities and beyond. TESOL Quarterly 39(1), 9–31.
Allwright, D., & Lenzuen, R. (1997). Exploratory Practice: Work at the Cultura Inglesa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Language Teaching Research 1(1), 73–79.
Banister, C. (2021). Harnessing learner research agendas to continuously explore EAP learners’ needs. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 51, 100980.
Banister, C. (2018). Scaffolding Learner Puzzling in Exploratory Practice: Perspectives From the Business English Classroom. Profile: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 20(2), 17–33.
Banister, C. (2020). Exploring peer feedback processes and peer feedback meta-dialogues with learners of academic and business English. Language Teaching Research, 136216882095222.
Consoli, S. (2022). Practitioner research in a UK pre-sessional: The synergy between Exploratory Practice and student motivation. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 57, 101–108. [LINK]
Costantino, A., & Slimani-Rolls, A. (2018). Practitioner research and the challenges of the good teaching canon in a multilingual and multicultural globalized society. Revista SOLETRAS, 35, 72–96.
Crane, C. (2015). Exploratory practice in the FL teaching methods course: A case study of three graduate student instructors' experiences. L2 Journal 7(2), 1–23.
Etherington, S., Hanks, J., & Al-Shehri, E. (2020). ‘Sticky objects’ and pathways to well-being and resilience: Teacher understandings of and practices in positive psychology in their classrooms. Available from here.
*Gunn, C. (2003). Exploring second language communicative competence. Language Teaching Research 7(2), 240–258.
Gunn, C. (2005). Prioritising practitioner research: An example from the field. Language Teaching Research 9(1), 97–112.
Gunn, C. (2010). Exploring MA TESOL student ‘resistance’ to reflection. Language Teaching Research 14(2), 208–223.
Gutierrez, A., Slimani-Rolls, A., & Rowell, C. (2018). Assessment as a learning process: the use of Exploratory Practice to empower students and foster teacher development. Revista SOLETRAS, 35, 55–71. DOI: Hanks, J. (2015a). 'Education is not just teaching': learner thoughts on Exploratory Practice. ELT Journal, 69(2), 117–128.
Hanks, J. (2015b). Language teachers making sense of Exploratory Practice. Language Teaching Research, 19(5), 612–633.
Hanks, J. (2017). Integrating research and pedagogy: An Exploratory Practice approach. System 68, 38–49.
Hanks, J. (2018). Supporting language teachers as they engage in research. ETAS Special Supplement Research Literacy Part 3: Supporting teacher research in English language teaching, 35(3), pp. 48–50.
**Hanks, J. (2019a). From research-as-practice to exploratory practice-as-research in language teaching and beyond. Language Teaching, 52(2), 143–187.
Hanks, J. (2019b). Identity and trust: Issues raised when practitioners engage in researching practice.The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 8(2), pp. 3–22.
Hanks, J. (2021). Co-production and multimodality: learners as co-researchers exploring practice. Educational Action Research, 29(3), pp. 462–482
Hanks, J. et al. (2021). Educator Wellbeing: Quality of life, inclusion and belonging in/after the COVID-19 Pandemic. BERA Research Intelligence ‘The state of the discipline’, 149. pp. 22–23.
Hanks, J. (2022). Integrating research into language teaching and learning: Learners and teachers as co-researchers exploring praxis. Language Teaching. FirstView.
Hanks, J., Miller, I. K., Cunha, M. I. A. (in Press). Collaboration, collegiality, co-production: Mentoring exploratory practitioners in international contexts. In M. Wyatt & K. Dikilitas (Eds.) International Perspectives on Mentoring in English Language Education.
Kato, Y. & Hanks, J. (2021). Learner-initiated exploratory practice: Revisiting curiosity. ELT Journal.
Kuschnir, A. N., & dos Santos Machado, B. (2003). Puzzling, and puzzling about puzzle development. Language Teaching Research, 7(2), 163–180.
Lyra, I., Fish, S., & Braga, W. (2003). What puzzles teachers in Rio de Janeiro, and what keeps them going? Language Teaching Research, 7(2), 143–162.
*Miller, I. K. (2003). Researching teacher-consultancy via Exploratory Practice. Language Teaching Research, 7(2), 201–219.
Miller, I. K., Cunha, M. I. A., & Allwright, D. (2021). Teachers as practitioners of learning: the lens of exploratory practice. Educational Action Research, 29(3), 447–461.
Moraes Bezerra, I. C. R., & Miller, I. K. (2015). Exploratory Practice and new literacy studies: Building epistemological connections. Pensares em Revista 6, São Gonçalo: Rio de Janeiro, 90–128.
Pinner, R. S., & Hanks, J. (2024). Talking intuition into consciousness: A discursive approach to evolving an understanding. Journal for the psychology of language learning, 5(2), 21-33.
*Slimani-Rolls, A. (2003). Exploring a world of paradoxes: An investigation of group work. Language Teaching Research, 7(2), 221–239.
Slimani-Rolls, A. (2005). Rethinking task-based language learning: What we can learn from the learners. Language Teaching Research, 9(2), 195–218.
Slimani-Rolls, A., & Banister, C. (2021). Practitioner Research as a Principled Framework for Continuing Professional Development for English Language. ELT Research Issue, 36. Faversham: IATEFL.
Slimani-Rolls, A., Crane, C., Hanks, J., & Miller, I. K. (2024). Introduction to the special issue: Challenges and practices to advance sustainable and inclusive practitioner research. Language Teaching Research, OnlineFirst.
Slimani-Rolls, A. & Kiely, R. (2014). We are the Change we seek: developing a teachers’ understanding of classroom practice. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 51(4), 425–435. [This project was conducted with languages and business staff.]
Tajino, A., & Smith, C. (2005). Exploratory practice and soft systems methodology. Language Teaching Research 9(4), 448–469.
Vaattovaara, J. (2017). Evidencing the passion of language teachers’ research engagement: The case of a University Pedagogy ALMS course module. Language Learning in Higher Education 7(2), 461–473.
Wyatt, M., Burns, A. & Hanks, J. (2016). Teacher/practitioner research: Reflections on an online discussion. TESL-EJ, 20(1), 1–22.
*Language Teaching Research 7(2) published in April 2003 is a special issue dedicated to Exploratory Practice. **This is a state-of-the-art paper which summarised EP currently taking place in 17 countries: Australia, Brazil, China, Finland, Italy, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Northern Cyprus, Oman, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United Kingdom (UK), United States of America (USA).
Book Chapters:
Allwright, D. (2008). Prioritising the human quality of life in the language classroom: Is it asking too much of beginning teachers? In G. Gil & M. H. Vieira-Abrahao (Eds.), Educação de Professores de Línguas: os desafios do formador (pp. 127-144). Sao Paolo: Pontes.
Allwright, D., & Miller, I. K. (2012). Burnout and the beginning teacher. In D. Soneson, & E. Tarone, with A. U. Chamot, A. Mahajan, & M. Malone (Eds.), Expanding our horizons: Language teacher education in the 21st century (pp.101-115). Minneapolis, MN: Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA).
Banister, C. (2019). Rebuilding practitioner self-efficacy through learner feedback. In A. Slimani-Rolls & R. Kiely, Exploratory Practice for Continuing Professional Development: An Innovative Approach for Language Teachers (pp. 135–151). Palgrave Macmillan.
Barcellos, J., & Miller, I. K. (2013). Narrativas de paisagens compartilhadas: Um estudo do discurso construído por professores de inglês de escolas municipais do Rio de Janeiro. In G. Carvalho, D. Rocha, & Z. Vasconcellos (Eds.), Linguagem: Teoria, análise e aplicações (pp. 8-17). Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da UERJ.
Barreto, B. C., Miller, I. K., & Góes Monteiro, M. C. (2015). Por que trabalhar com a Prática Exploratória na formação inicial de professores? In C. Bokel Reis, & W. Soares dos Santos (Eds.), Formação de professores de línguas em múltiplos contextos (pp. 57-83). Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores.
Barreto, B. C. B., Reis, B. M., Miller, I. K.; Monteiro, M. C. G., Cunha, M. I. A., Moura, S. M. L. (2019). Atividades com potencial exploratório: Caminhos para a coconstrução de entendimentos, In M.R. Mastrella-de-Andrade, C. A. Pereira Filho, M. C. Torre Aranda, K. A. Silva, & J. F. Nascimento (Ed.), Ensino-aprendizagem de línguas, parceria universidade-escola, estágio (pp. 51-72). Brasília, Teresina: EDUFPI, Available at:
Consoli, S. (2021). Understanding motivation through ecological research: The case of Exploratory Practice. In Sampson, R. and Pinner, R. (Eds.), Complexity perspectives on researching language learner and teacher psychology. Multilingual Matters. [LINK]
Consoli, S. (2021). The teacher-researcher & student-participant relationship: What risks can we take? In Hall, C. and Cunningham, C. (Eds.), Vulnerabilities, challenges and risks in applied linguistics. Multilingual Matters. [LINK]
Costantino, A. (2018). A Written Feedback Puzzle. Understanding 'Local' Pedagogy. In Slimani-Rolls, & A., Kiely, R. Exploratory Practice for Continuing Professional Development: An Innovative Approach for Language Teachers. Palgrave Macmillan.
Costantino, A. (2019). Space and Time for Understanding(s): The Recursive Cycle of Language Education and Classroom Enquiry. In Kostoulas, A. (Ed.). Challenging Boundaries in Language Education. Cham: Springer.
Costantino, A., & Hawrylko, D. (2020). Practising inclusivity: Building teacher-learner collaboration through puzzling. In A. Mukadam & S. Mawani (Eds.). Reflections in Higher Education. Berlin: Logos Verlag.
Crane, C., Sadler, M., Ha, J. A., & Ojiambo, P. (2013). Beyond the methods course: Using exploratory practice for graduate student teacher development. In: H. W. Allen & H. Maxim (Eds.), Educating the future foreign language professoriate for the 21st century (pp. 107-27). AAUSC Issues in Language Program Direction. Boston: Heinle.
Cunha, M. I. A., Miller, I. K. (Forthcoming). Studying practitioners’ concerns through their puzzles. In D. Banegas, D. & R. Smith. British Council Action Research Awards Scheme, London: The British Council.
Grupo da Prática Exploratória do Rio de Janeiro. (Forthcoming). Por que trabalhar para entender a sala de aula? Histórias da Prática Exploratória. E-book.
Grupo da Prática Exploratória do Rio de Janeiro. (Forthcoming). As reuniões do grupo da Prática Exploratória RJ: Uma forma de resistência em tempos adversos. In J. Cardoso, & P. Arantes (Ed.), Diálogos sobre ensino e aprendizagem em tempos de resistência.
Hanks, J., Wedell, M., Zhang, R. & Wang, Y. (2024). More Embedded than Explicit: Promoting reflection on an MA TESOL programme in China. IN A. Cirocki, M. Wyatt, X.A. Gao (Eds) Developing Reflective TESOL Practitioners Through Teacher Education: Insights From Asia (pp. 251-277). Springer.
Miller, I. K., Barreto, B. C., Moraes Bezerra, I. C. R., Cunha, M. I. A., Braga, W. G., Kuschnir A. N., & Sette, M. L. (2008). Prática exploratória: Questões e desafios. In G. Gil, & M. H. Abrahão (Eds.), A formação do professor de línguas: Os desafios do formador (pp. 145-165). Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores.
Miller, I. K. (2010). Construindo parcerias universidade-escola: Caminhos éticos e questões crítico-reflexivas. In T. Gimenez & M. C. G. Góes (Eds.), Formação de professores de línguas na América Latina e transformação social (pp. 109-129). Campinas: Pontes Editores.
Miller, I. K. (2012). A Prática Exploratória na educação de professores de línguas: inserções acadêmicas e teorizações híbridas. In K. Silva, F. G. Daniel, S. M. Kaneko-marques, & A. C. B. Salomão (Eds.), A formação de professoras de linguas: novos olhares (pp. 317-339). Campinas: Pontes Editores.
Miller, I. K. (2013) Formação inicial e continuada de professores de línguas: da eficiência à reflexão crítica e ética. In L. P. Moita Lopes (Ed.), Linguística Aplicada na modernidade recente: Festschrift para Antonieta Celani, São Paulo: Parábola Editorial: 99-121, 257-266.
Miller, I. K., Côrtes, T. C. R., Oliveira, A. F. A., & Braga, W. G. (2015). Exploratory practice in initial teacher education: Working collaboratively for understandings. In D. Bullock & R. Smith (eds.), Teachers Research!(pp. 65-71). Faversham: IATEFL.
Miller, I. K. and Cunha, M. I. A. (2016) ‘Exploratory Practice in Continuing Professional Development: Critical and Ethical Issues’, in K. Dikilitas and I. H. Erten (eds.) Facilitating In-Service Teacher Training for Professional Development(pp. 61-85). USA: IGI Global.
Miller, I. K., & Cunha, M. I. A. (2019). Exploratory Practice: integrating research into regular pedagogic activities. In S. Walsh & S. Mann (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of English Language Education (pp. 583-595). London: Routledge.
Miller, I. K., Cunha, M. I. A., & Moraes Bezerra, I. C. R., Nóbrega, A.N., Ewald, C.X., & Braga, W.G. (2019). Teaching English to young learners: Some reflective voices from Latin America, In S. Garton, & F. Copland (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English to Young Learners (pp. 508-522). London: Routledge.
Miller, I. K., Góes Monteiro, M. C., & Barreto, B. C. (2019). Work for 'understanding' as innovation in initial teacher education programs. In Th.Al Barwani, M. A. Flores, & D. Imig (Ed.), Leading change in teacher education: Lessons from countries and education leaders around the globe (pp. 23-37). London: Routledge.
Moraes Bezerra, I. C. R., Gomes, G. S. C., & Rodrigues, R. L. A. (2019). Saberes docentes em construção: Um olhar exploratório à prática de orientação e de pesquisa. In M.R. Mastrella-de-Andrade, C. A. Pereira Filho, M. C. Torre Aranda, K. A. Silva, & J.F. Nascimento (Ed.), Professores de línguas em foco: identidades, cultura, crenças e tecnologias (pp. 28-51). Teresina: EDUFPI, 2019, v. 1.
Moraes Bezerra, I. C. R., & MILLER, I. K. (2019). Prática Exploratória e os novos estudos do letramento: Construindo conexões epistemológicas. In Wiedemer, M. L. (Org.). Estudos linguísticos contemporâneos: Questões e tendências (pp. 91-157). Rio de Janeiro: Autografia.
Nóbrega, A. N. A., Braga, W.G., Nunes, A. B. O. S., & Martins, M. A. (2016). Narrativas exploratórias do PIBID 2015: Entendimentos pessoais e coletivos. Symposium Paper presented at the VI Congresso Latino-Americano de Formação de Professores de Línguas. Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Paraná, Brasil.
Slimani-Rolls, A. (2019). Modern foreign language teacher identity construction through engagement with Exploratory Practice: The future will tell (pp. 117-141). In M. Gallardo. (Ed.). Negotiating identity in modern foreign language teaching. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-27708-6
Slimani-Rolls, A. (2019). Developing a teacher learning community through Exploratory Practice (pp. 3-10). In K. Dikilitas, M. Wyatt, A. Burns & G. Barkhuizen, (Eds.). Energising Teacher Research. Faversham: IATEFL. 978-1-912588-25-1.
Slimani-Rolls, A. (2020). Exploratory Practice in language teaching and learning. In S. Troudi (Ed.). Critical issues in teaching English and language education: International research perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-53296-3
Stewart, A., Croker, R., & Hanks, J. (2014). Exploring the principles of Exploratory Practice: Quality of Life or Quality of Learning? In A. Barfield & A. Minematsu (eds.), Learner development working papers: Different cases: Different interests (pp. 132-148). Tokyo: JALT Learner Development SIG.
Zhang, R. & Hanks, J. (2024). Support for career-long development of language teacher self-efficacy beliefs: Two Chinese EFL teachers’ stories of professional development. IN M. Wyatt & F. Faez (Eds.) Building the self-efficacy beliefs of English language learners and teachers: New perspectives for research, teaching and learning (pp. 126-147). Routledge.