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Articles and book chapters:
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Burns, A. (2013). Innovation through action research and teacher-initiated change. In K. Hyland & L. L. C. Wong (Eds.), Innovation and change in English language education (pp. 90-105). Abingdon (UK): Routledge.
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Burns, A. (2017). "This life-changing experience": Teachers be(com)ing action researchers. In G. Barkhuizen (Ed.), Reflections on language teacher identity research (pp. 133-138). New York: Routledge.
Dikilitaş, K. & Yayli, D. (2018). Teachers' professional identity development through action research. ELT Journal, 72(4), 415-424.
Edwards. E. (2018). Embracing action research: Current tensions and possible directions. English Australia Journal, 34(1), 3-21.
Edwards, E. & Burns, A. (2016a). Action research to support teachers' classroom materials development. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 10(2), 106-120.
Edwards, E. & Burns, A. (2016b). Language teacher action research: Achieving sustainability. ELT Journal, 70(1), 6-15.
Edwards, E. & Burns, A. (2020). 'Opening Pandora's Box': Language teachers' dynamic emotional experiences of conducting action research. In Gkonou, C. Dewaele J-M & King J. (Eds.), The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching (pp. 70-88). Multilingual Matters.
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Wyatt, M. (2011). Teachers researching their own practice. ELT Journal, 65(4), 417-425.
Yuan, R. & Burns, A. (2017). Teacher identity development through action research: A Chinese experience. Teachers and Teaching, 23(6), 729-749.